Episodes: 3 Columns

The Rise of the Fourth Reich

The recipe for Fascism is the political alliance of Government, Billionaire Corporate Globalists, the Entertainment Industry and the News Media. Italy of the 1930’s provides the roadmap. 1933 Belin,...

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There Never Was A Plan

Biden is now officially in the Oval Office. The tinfoil hat brigade can now return to normalized beliefs. We have some issues to deal with and we cannot have...

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What Would Jesus Do?

There are some very dominant voices that seem to think that if Donald Trump does not Save us then we are all going to be overcome by the forces...

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Step Up Patriots!

It is clear that our Leftist governance is following the 1933 action plan of Fascism’s rise to enact totalitarian rule over America. So what do loyal Americans do to...

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God Bless Us Every One

The quality of Mercy. This Christmas I would share with you what that means to me, personally. This is about George. An abandoned cat that I have come to...

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Its A Free Dictatorship

What is the difference between Martial Law and unconstitutionally mandated citizen lockdown and mask orders? Not a damned thing. Does it matter if Democrats destroy your ability to make...

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C.A. Johnson, Democrat Representative for Detroit, demonstrates naked fascist authoritarian arrogance. This is where we are headed… What will you do?

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YouTube: Pissing On The Little Guy

Immediately upon completion of Processing of my previous video I received a Copyright Stike for the video. When I say immediately, I mean in mere seconds. I have reasonable...

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Denying The Truth In Plain Sight

The Democrat Representatives and State Senators are clearly more interested in villifying and intimidating eyewitnesses than in receiving the truth about their corrupt elections. Their behavior in the face...

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Not My Media Outlet

Once upon a time the News Media wore the mantle of Trust in America. They kept a sacred trust and led the American People understand the Facts of the...

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Fairy Tales and Not So Pretty Lies

Democrat fascists doxing election officials for doing their jobs, the rise of the new brown-shirts is underway. Michigan is winding down to the certification of their messed up election…...

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Take A Breath America

YAY! I got a Real Microphone! This is just a short message to try and help counter the craziness and the widespread fear running like diarrhea through the population!...

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