This Nation Is Diseased

This Nation Is Diseased

What the Hell is wrong with America?  We have Sanctuary Cites – once beautiful sites that attracted tourism and left a desire to move there and become part of the community – filled with unrepentant criminals, illegal aliens, MS13 thugs.  We have Black Bloc would-be heroes but actual fascists roaming the historical beauty of Portland Oregon’s downtown where they shout down free speech and throw bottles of urine at people and use makeshift weapons to bloody up those they believe might even think would oppose them – all under the watchful eye of a Socialist Mayor who also is acting Police Commissioner and refusing to let the police…. police.

Where is pretty state, I can tell you that.  I recently read the best single sentence statement of what has occurred;
“The roots of Western cultural decay are very deep, having first sprouted a century ago. It began with a loose clan of ideologues inside Europe’s communist movement. Today, it is known as the Frankfurt School, and its ideals have perverted American society.”

I, for one, am fed up.  I have had my fill of Leftist media, Leftist politicians, the Deep State, Hillary’s legacy of corruption and death count, inequality under the law…  All of it.  It is said that Evil Men Prevail when Good Men do Nothing.  I am not particularly Good – not by any stretch of the definition.  But I have done Nothing for too long.  I have moved from Apathy to Fear to Anger to, finally, Resolved. 

America will not become a Socialist Nation!  In the Marine Corps I swore an Oath before God to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States from All Enemies Foreign and Domestic.  I was released from military service.  I was never released of that oath.  Only God can do that.  So I will fight for my Nation.  I will fight for America’s soul with the only weapon I have; my voice.