
The Rise of the Fourth Reich

The recipe for Fascism is the political alliance of Government, Billionaire Corporate Globalists, the Entertainment Industry and the News Media. Italy of the 1930’s provides the roadmap. 1933 Belin, similarly, is a eerie analog for what may very well have been engineered by the Leftism Democrats at the US Capitol – agitators can clearly be…

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There Never Was A Plan

Biden is now officially in the Oval Office. The tinfoil hat brigade can now return to normalized beliefs. We have some issues to deal with and we cannot have part of our citizenry holding out false hope for a savior or miracle to make it all good again.We need to take a hard look at…

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What Would Jesus Do?

There are some very dominant voices that seem to think that if Donald Trump does not Save us then we are all going to be overcome by the forces of China and the adverse administration. It is just fear and that is understandable. However, I (for my part) am unwilling to submit to the idea…

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Step Up Patriots!

It is clear that our Leftist governance is following the 1933 action plan of Fascism’s rise to enact totalitarian rule over America. So what do loyal Americans do to counter this? I suggest, as a start, we return to Speaking to one another. Network in the small and and the large. Communicate and come to…

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